पॉपकॉर्न पैकिंग मशीन

मशीन का नाम Popcorn pouch packaging machine
पैकिंग रेंज 0-6000ml
पैकिंग की गति 5-100bags/min
Optional packing machine for popcorn Granule packing machine and multi-head weigher and packer
पैकेजिंग शैली बैक सील, 3-साइड सील और 4-साइड सील
अनुकूलन Bag length, bag width, machine power & voltage, etc.
उद्धरण प्राप्त करें

Shulit popcorn packing machine is used for popcorn and other puffed food packaging into pouches, which can efficiently complete measuring, filling, and sealing operations. It’s suitable for a packaging specification of 0-6000ml and a packing speed of 5-100 bags per minute.

As a professional packing machine solution provider, we have 2 types of granules packaging machines for popcorn: VFFS granular packing machine(SL-320 & SL-450) and multi-head lapel packaging machine(SL-420, SL-520 & SL-720). The following is a detailed description of these two types of equipment for your reference when choosing popcorn pouch packaging.

Whole process of automatic packaging of popcorn: operation of efficient granular packaging machine
popcorn pouch packing machine

Type 1: Small vertical popcorn pouch packaging machine for sale

This kind of popcorn packing machine is a small vertical packaging machine, having a compact design, suitable for limited space. It has high-precision measuring cups to ensure consistent weight of each bag of popcorn with minimal error.

The popcorn packaging equipment has a packing range of 0-600g per bag and a packing speed of 20-100 bags per minute. If want more details, welcome to contact us at any time!

लंबवत ग्रेन्युल पॉपकॉर्न पैकिंग मशीन
वर्टिकल ग्रेन्युल पॉपकॉर्न पैकिंग मशीन
मापने वाले कप के साथ टर्नटेबल
मापने वाले कप के साथ टर्नटेबल

छोटे ऊर्ध्वाधर प्रकार के पॉपकॉर्न भरने वाली सीलिंग मशीन पैरामीटर

बैग शैलीबैक सील/3-साइड सील/4-साइड सीलबैक सील/3-साइड सील/4-साइड सील
पैकिंग की गति32-72बैग/मिनट या 50-100बैग/मिनट20-80बैग/मिनट
बैग की लंबाई30-180 मिमी30-180 मिमी
बैग की चौड़ाई20-145 मिमी (पूर्व को बदलने की आवश्यकता)20-200 मिमी
बिजली की खपत1.8 किलोवाट1.8 किलोवाट
वज़न250 किलो420 किग्रा
specifications of small popcorn packing machine

मॉडल का नाम रोल फिल्म की अधिकतम चौड़ाई के आधार पर रखा गया है। इसका वास्तविक पैकेजिंग वजन बैग की चौड़ाई और लंबाई पर निर्भर करता है। पॉपकॉर्न का स्वाद बनाए रखने के लिए एक नाइट्रोजन भरने वाला उपकरण उपलब्ध है।

Type 2: Multi-head combination weigher popcorn packing machine

The multi-head weighing packaging machine works with multiple weighing heads at the same time, greatly improving the metering speed and packaging speed. It can complete 5-50 bags per minute and the weight per bag is 150-6000ml, suitable for large-scale production needs.

Its high-precision weighing system ensures that each bag of popcorn weighs the same with minimal error, while adapting to different sizes and shapes of popcorn. Are you interested? If yes, get in touch with us for more!

मल्टी-हेड वेगर पॉपकॉर्न पैकेजिंग मशीन
मल्टी-हेड वेइगर पॉपकॉर्न पैकेजिंग मशीन
लैपेल पैकेजिंग मशीन के आगे और पीछे
लैपेल पैकेजिंग मशीन का अगला और पिछला भाग

मुली-हेड संयोजन स्केल पैकिंग मशीन तकनीकी डेटा

बैग की लंबाई80-300 मिमी (एल)80-400 मिमी (एल)100-400 मिमी (एल)
बैग की चौड़ाई50-200 मिमी (डब्ल्यू)80-250 मिमी (डब्ल्यू)180-350 मिमी (डब्ल्यू)
रोल फिल्म की अधिकतम चौड़ाई420520 मिमी720 मिमी
पैकिंग की गति5-30बैग/मिनट5-50बैग/मिनट5-50बैग/मिनट
Air sonsumption0.65 एमपीए0.65 एमपीए0.65 एमपीए
गैस का उपभोग0.3m3/मिनट0.4m3/मिनट0.4m3/मिनट
पावर वोल्टेज220VAC/50HZ220VAC/50HZ220VAC/50HZ
आयाम1150*1795*11650मिमी1150*1795*11650मिमी1780*1350*1950 मिमी
Deadwight of machine540 किग्रा600 किग्रा/
data of multi-head weighing and popcorn packing machine

The numbers 420, 520, and 720 of models are the maximum width of roll film. This multi-head weigher not only can match the lapel packing machine but also can combine a pre-made packaging machine. The final packaging volume is determined by the size of the pouches. It can add a nitrogen-filling device to the sealing part.

Advantages of popcorn packing machine

  • It can complete the packaging of 5-100 bags per minute, which greatly improves the production efficiency.
  • This popcorn bagger adopts an advanced weighing system with small errors to ensure accurate portioning of each bag of popcorn.
  • The popcorn packaging equipment has a humanized design and friendly operation interface, supporting quick adjustment of parameters.
  • It can handle different shapes and sizes of popcorn और adapt to a variety of packaging materials (e.g. plastic bags, aluminum foil bags).
  • The machine is made of food-grade materials, conforming to food safety standards, ensuring a clean and hygienic packaging process.
  • हम कर सकते हैं customize the bag length, bag width, machine power and voltage, bag style, वगैरह।

Applications of automatic popcorn packing machine

Our packing machine for popcorn is not only suitable for popcorn, but also can be used to package other kinds of food, such as:

Fava beans, sugar, seeds, dates, potato chips, banana chips, nuts, salt, candy, coffee beans, और इसी तरह।

The following industry always uses the popcorn pouch packaging machine to benefit their business:

  • Food processing industry: for packaging of puffed food such as popcorn, potato chips, nuts and so on.
  • Retail and wholesale market: for small bag retail packaging or big bag wholesale packaging.
  • Movie theaters and entertainment venues: provide efficient packaging solutions for popcorn retailing.
  • E-commerce and logistics industry: to meet the transportation and sales needs of pre-packaged popcorn.

What’s the popcorn packing machine price?

The popcorn packaging machine price is concerned with different components of the equipment, technologies, and quality.

One of the most important machine materials is stainless steel, which is strong, durable, and easy to clean. The stainless steel price in the market influences the machine price in a way. Besides, usually, the more advanced technologies are used, the price is higher. Our popcorn packaging machine for sale with advanced technologies is more intelligent in operation.

Meanwhile, the quality also affects the price of popcorn baggers. Quality refers to the life of machines. It’s not only the quality of the machine itself but the package system for it before shipment. Besides, the machine freight is different for different countries.

If you want the specific machine price, contact us now and we’ll provide the detailed quotation according to your needs for your reference.

Why choose us as popcorn packing machine supplier?

We have had quite professional technical staff in the packing machine industry for nearly 30 years. Our popcorn filling machine has advanced microcomputer chip control that runs stably, with low noise, long life, and high efficiency. Besides, the microwave popcorn packaging machines sold by us are strictly inspected time after time before shipment, taking photos and videos for you.

यदि आपके पास मशीन के बारे में कोई प्रश्न हैं, तो हम आपसे संपर्क करेंगे, और उन्हें यथाशीघ्र हल करेंगे। और हम आपको पुर्जों को स्थापित करने और बदलने के तरीके के बारे में मार्गदर्शन करने के लिए 24 घंटे की ऑनलाइन सेवा प्रदान करते हैं। इसके अलावा, हमारे पास आजीवन रखरखाव, एक अंग्रेजी मैनुअल और वीडियो शिक्षण भी है। हम हर ग्राहक को संतुष्ट करने की पूरी कोशिश करेंगे।

सर्वोत्तम उद्धरण प्राप्त करने के लिए हमसे संपर्क करें!  

If you are interested in our popcorn pouch packing machine, contact us today for a more useful product profile. We customize the machine to meet your पॉपकॉर्न चाहिए packaging demands. All in all, we will try our best to help your business.

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